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Josh Akers

My parents and friends are either Christians or not religious. My dad always sends me messages about how I'm going to hell and Buddha is in hell and he even says nasty things about The Dalai Lama.

Yikes. He has gotten better about just leaving my religion alone but he still hits me up with constant reminders than all non-Christians burn in hell. It's really sad because clearly he is suffering much more than me in his own life.

I like this blog post. I feel so alone sometimes without real Sangha who I can get access to, (I'm saving up for a car, I don't have one).


Nice post. Those who heed their calling are faith-full. No doubt that what ever necessities of life will find their way to the genuine yogi.

Hey Josh,
LOL! That's what I call distorted extremist 'Christianity'. Sad that Jesus' magnificent gospel of love has developed this element.

David Lai

Hey, thank you Josh and Yen,
I am glad you guys like what I wrote and well, not all Christians are like that. It is always the practitioners themselves that give the faith a bad name.

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