There is a certain stark reality of staring at myself in a clear mirror. The beauty of my self-image fades with the imperfections of reality. I go on looking and looking at what I once thought of as beautiful but now, it looks absolutely repulsive. The more I look, the more nauseated I am with myself.
Deep down, this is perhaps how I really see myself and I am totally embarrassed that everyone sees me this way and perhaps there is tingle of familiarity and comfort in confirming how I feel about myself from deep within. Feeling self-defeated in a perpetual cycle of liking and hating myself makes for a tiresome roller-coaster-ride of emotions that goes no where and I end up no where. Sigh! Sorry just some emotional gibberish. Will snap out of it and look outwards instead of inwards by the next post.
These things shouldn't be a concern for you David . . .Although we all look in the mirror at times and scare ourselves to death! who the hell is that looking back at me hehe ^_^ but it aint no thing . . .there are mirrors around us everywhere in a child's face in an old person you helped cross the road they are the mirrors of appreciation and love they should be the only mirrors we worry about cracking . . .love to you David nice article on how many of us feel at one point or another :)we get old to show ourselves what we are really made of! ^_^
Posted by: liz | 12/17/2010 at 10:13 PM