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Hi David

Thanks for posting this blog. I happened to stumble on to your blog and found this post, so I watched the videos and did commentary on them.

I posted my blog in reponse to the 19 videos here.

I'll leave a comment on Tsem Tulku's blog too. Hope all is well


Liz Fields

Thanks for posting this :) I have decided to go vegetarian for a week starting today! I have done nothing but drink water and 100% juice, eat fruit (banana and apple for breakfast), salad for lunch, and vegetable curry with rice for dinner :)

So far I find I am craving certain things like cheeses and yogurt and am wondering if those are acceptable on a vegetarian diet. Well Off to do research on vegetarianism and find recipes. Hope things are well!

moncler sweden

So cute! I already like you on FB and also get your posts on Google Reader. :)

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