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Anonymous F

It's quite surprising to read your news about kidney stones. I wish you well and hope you get better soon. I'll pray that you will recuperate soon.


Get well soon..it will come out and you shall see it either as flakes of salt or tiny little stones one at a time..also bloody urine..I am facing the same situation now..

dissolve kidney stones

I had an episode of kidney stone pain about 18 months ago, so I understand what the pain is like. Scans showed a 5mm kidney stone on its way down to my bladder with 3 more stones just waiting, in the wings, to cause more pain. I drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice, diluted with water, every day. Also, try making fresh lemonade and have a glass every day. Must be home made, none of the stuff you buy in the shops. Hope you are feeling better. Great post.

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If you’ve left them on good terms, and you should have, they may be willing to hire you or they may know of other sources of employment.

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